Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Banana ghost pops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi again!!

Today I'm going to tell you how to make...

BANANA GHOST POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1.  Get some bananas. Cut the edges so you have the 2 round parts cut.
  2. Put a  toothpick on the bottom of each cut banana.
  3. Freeze them for 3 hours.
  4. cover them with vanilla yogurt and shredded coconut.
  5. Put 2 chocolate chips for eyes.
  6. EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

let's meet Jiji!

hi  there!!

today I'm going to tell you about "ST MATH" and Jiji. "ST MATH"  is something you play on the ipads but  you have to pay for it and only schools can pay for it but not all schools pay for it but  mine does yay!!

Now on to Jiji , she is the main character in  "ST MATH". You help Jiji  get through obstacles. If you wanna learn more about "ST MATH" you can google it.

good bye for today!!!!!!!!!

this is REAL Jiji  :)

this is MY Jiji  :) 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

About me

hi everyone!

I'm Duru. I am 7 years old. I was born in  Turkey. I have 1 brother his name is Can well, it's pronounced John :) . I moved to U.S when I was 3. I go to Marcy open school in Minneapolis. My  teacher's name  is Patricia everyone calls her Pat. my  absolute favorite animals are ... PANDAS!!!!!!!! I love them!!

That's all for today

Thank's for reading my blog bye!